Health News

28 Year Old Singer Undergoes Experimental Cancer Therapy Against Doctor's Wishes - And it WORKS

Do you suffer from chronic fatigue? High blood pressure? Or brain fog? It could be due to low “blood oxygen” allowing toxins and bacteria to thrive.

Sabrina Gauer had run out of options. The 28 year old singer had aggressive stage four mouth cancer and feared for her life. She’d already undergone 6 hours of surgery to have part of her tongue removed. But the operation was a dismal failure.

Rather than suffer the terrible side effects of radiation therapy, Gauer underwent a controversial treatment against her doctor’s wishes: hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Why is it controversial?

Oxygen therapy is normally prescribed for tiredness, shortness of breath or cognitive problems. All classic symptoms of low blood oxygen. But using oxygen to cure disease has yet to gain mainstream acceptance.

In fact, the renowned “diet doctor” Dr Atkins had his license revoked after using it to treat a woman’s breast cancer. His license was reinstated. But only after he agreed never to promote oxygen therapy again.

Could it be that mainstream medicine is in denial about a treatment that’s safe, natural and could replace a lifetime on drugs?

>>>Watch a presentation on a new breakthrough in oxygenation therapy

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

When you breathe oxygen under pressure, oxygen better dissolves into your blood stream and saturates into the body tissue. You need oxygen in cells for them to heal. Breathing under pressure helps get that oxygen to the cells quicker. Oxygen therapy gives the body the chance to heal itself.
Dian Brown, Hyperbaric Specialist, Tennessee-based New Life Medical Group

Clear of Cancer in 6 Weeks

Sabrina’s doctor was adament it would never work. That she was foolish to abandon her medications and radiation therapy. But he soon had to eat his words. Because the results of the oxygen therapy were astonishing.

A Breakthrough Has Made Oxygen Therapy Inexpensive and 100% Natural

Thanks to the advances in nutritional science, you no longer have to sit in a decompression tank or breath from an oxygen mask to gain the toxin cleansing benefits of oxygen threapy.

It’s now inexpensive, safe and could save millions from a lifetime on pharmaceutical drugs.

If you’d like to know how you may be able to boost your energy levels, lower your blood pressure and improve your concentration from higher blood oxygen levels, a special video presentation by natural health researcher Kevin Richardson reveals:

  • Why the reason you arent healing is NOT because you’re not taking the right drugs.
  • How low blood oxygen allows viruses, bacteria and toxins to thrive
  • A Nobel Prize winner’s groundbreaking discovery on why low blood oxygen causes cancer
  • A boy with ADHD who became so calm and happy that his mum stopped his powerful amphetamine drugs
  • A man who helped his dad get his mind back to being sharp as a tack from filling his cells with plaque cleansing oxygen

>>>Watch the video on how oxygen therapy could transform how we treat ill health and disease safely, inexpensively and without side effects

P.S. Many people suffer from low blood oxygen as they get older. Yet scientists agree that oxygen is effective at cleansing toxins, bacteria and free radicals from cells. Rather than continue to prescribe drugs for tiredness and concentration problems, many forward thinking doctors are now recommending oxygen therapy. Find out why by watching the explosive video before it gets taken down.

